You and Your Body
I was thinking this morning of dental offices and recall hearing the most profound statement a few years ago from a hygienist working on...

Be The Change..
So, over the past year, I have been spending lots of time trying to become the man I need to be. It's been a fun, exciting and painful...

So, last night at our monthly Dinner with Doc, I talked briefly about chiropractic and the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is in the brain...

Why Regular Chiropractic?
So, this past week a group of like minded chiropractors and I have been discussing this exact question. Why would someone use Regular...

Halloween Today!!!
Morning, TODAY is Halloween and it is always one of my favorite holidays. When I was young, Spiderman was my costume of choice. I truly...

Removal and Restoration
How powerful is removal? Have you ever gone to the dump/landfill to get rid of some large and no longer needed or wanted object that has...

So the picture is a slide from a dinner talk I did this week. The talk revolved around the never ending question of "Why does my bone...

Fall into Health
Its October 1st today. Brrrrrrrrrrrr..... At least that's where it is here in MN today. Its currently 45 degrees and my body isn't...

I am going to tell you a story. Most of us go through life and live it day to day. Some people have found their purpose or what they...

Radio Talk
Many years ago, in my younger years I was on a weekly radio show. This was a local type show where people would call in and ask...