The Holiday Spirit
Alright, its 7 Days till Christmas.... I have spent the past week wishing everyone a happy holiday season and a healthy new year. So,...

Busy Signal.
If you are 30 years old or older, you will remember an archaic device called a land line. This device was mounted to the wall in most...

Be Accountable
Entitlement seems to be a common form of thinking these days. People for some reason think they are entitled to things they haven't...

Dating a Toaster.
Ok, got your attention I imagine. LOL Lets look at the Adventures of Dating a Toaster for a second, yes, I am talking about a toaster...

Why Choose Us?
So its Nov 1st, everyone is still working on their candy stash from last night and I thought, "What a great time to explain why I have...

Playing Make Believe
Morning, tomorrow is Halloween and it is always one of my favorite holidays. When I was young, Spiderman was my costume of choice. I...

A Back Problem or a Brain Problem?
If I asked anyone this question, Would you rather have a back problem or a brain problem? The answer would be a back problem 100% of the...

I was back in my home town this past weekend. It always gets me thinking about the past and future. I took my middle child with me (he...

What if your Spine was on your Face?
Just some food for thought.

Questions I hear all the time.
I was going to just make a quick video about this, but wanted to put it to print, so here we go. I have been in practice since 1996. In...