Getting Older..
I like that meme, but as a chiropractor I truly believe it doens't have to be true. I discovered chiropractic in high school, didn't...

Listen to your Body
This is kind of a fun post for me reminiscing, if you are over 40 years of age you can probably relate, your childhood was spent with...

So, last night at our monthly Dinner with Doc, I talked briefly about chiropractic and the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is in the brain...

Removal and Restoration
How powerful is removal? Have you ever gone to the dump/landfill to get rid of some large and no longer needed or wanted object that has...

So the picture is a slide from a dinner talk I did this week. The talk revolved around the never ending question of "Why does my bone...

Chiropractic is still around.
I have been reading up on all kinds of research the past few weeks and wanted to share some interesting things that are happening with...

Are you Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?
Literally you can't sit anywhere and listen to conversations without hearing someone complaining about some health issue they have. Try...