My own personal goal.

Today I started training for a HUGE goal for next year. Last month I turned 47yo, my weight was 233lbs, blood pressure was a little on the high side also. I wanted to make some changes and set a goal.
Today, May 22nd, I stepped on the scale and it read 197lbs, first part of my goal accomplished, so I moved onto the second part of my HUGE goal. To bench press 405lbs by my 48th birthday next April.
So, my goal is to bench press 405lbs while keeping my weight UNDER 200lbs. Its a big goal for me, I have reached 365lbs on the bench, but I was a little heavier too. So, every once in a while I will post an update to keep me accountable and to let my friends know where my goal is at and when I reach it.
Now, do you set goals? personal? professional? If you do set goals, do you follow through with them? There are tons of studies out there that show how effective goal setting is, there are books, programs, audio files, white papers and so on, all containing information on how to set a goal and reach it. So, why don't many people actually set goals and follow through with them?
Well, because it's not really that easy in most cases. Setting goals is easy, but so many times the goal is put aside or forgotten somewhere along the way. I know, I have set goals and never even came close to reaching them in the past. I am now, however, older and supposedly wiser, so when I do set a goal, its easier to reach it with help from friends, family, the internet (never discount the power of youtube), etc.
Goals don't have to be grand, maybe you want to lose 5lbs, maybe you want to learn spanish, maybe you want to read more, it doesn't matter what the goal is, the first step is to set it. Then make a simple plan to get started on that goal. Next you have to dedicate some time to that goal everyday, might only be minutes at first, but you need to work on that goal everyday somehow. After a time, working on that goal will become a habit, and from there, well, you just work towards reaching the end of that goal and set another one.
I would love for everyone to set and reach goals, personally and professionally, maybe its a goal to just start seeing the positives in life everyday, maybe its to not judge people, or maybe its just to drink less coffee (not happening here). I posted this goal on the blog to hold me accountable for it, also to share my journey to 405. Next post will be titled "Never Fart in a Wetsuit", so don't worry, I will still be blogging about important stuff for everyone.