
So many of you may know in 2010 I was diagnosed with melanoma. At that time found it inside my lymph nodes and body. They gave me a 48% survival at 3 years. That year my children were 6,5 and 3 years of age. I had just began to teach them the life lessons a father should bestow on his children.
I wasn't sure I would be around to teach them who I was and what I had learned in my years of life, so I started a blog in 2010 to spell out some of the important life lessons I learned growing up. I wanted my kids to be able to read and understand how I enjoyed life and learned lessons, some the hard way. I wrote literally 100's of posts, some of which I actually posted, others were saved and not published.
The name of my blog was TGIMonday. And I chose that because many people seem to really not like Monday. I wanted people to start to see Monday as the best day, the first day of a new week, full of new adventures, new challenges, new decisions and new consequences. Monday could be GREAT if everyone looked at it with excitement and enthusiasm.
The blog was up for over 3 years, I posted religiously some funny and some serious lessons, and again I had literally 100's of posts that I never published. Somewhere in 2013 I decided to stop the blog, I was doing pretty well, tumors would pop up and they would remove them, most were caught early and not set up in dangerous spots.
This past summer I was remembering how good I felt writing those blogs for my kids, it would bring back many stories/memories of my youth, many bad decisions I had made, many victories, many challenges, etc.
I have decided to recreate some of those blog posts here and share them here in hopes of helping someone find a solution, idea, plan for a problem they may have. I don't know how much it will help, but if I can inspire someone to move from good to great, it is well worth it.
I haven't posted much during the summer months with kids home, but won't apologize for that, family is always more fun than work. LOL!
Well, stay tuned for some good fun and interesting topics.
Love you all,