Spring Cleaning..

So, today is supposed to be like 70 degrees finally. Last monday we has 14 plus inches of snow on the ground. Got to love living in MN right.
Well the past couple weeks people have been running around with some sickness and thought being we finally opened the windows in the house to "air it out" after a long winter, it was time for helpful spring cleaning tips.
Lysol is a powerful and readily marketed product for cleaning/disinfecting your home. The product contains many harmful chemicals, which even the label says needs to be wiped up with warm water to remove them before the surface is safe. Now, I grew up watching my mom use lysol and other products and very rarely did I see her wipe up the spray, she just sprayed stuff and that was it. I am not sure if that is how most people use it, but those chemicals are pretty harmful. This site talks more about that dangers of it. http://naturalfamilytoday.com/lifestyle/the-misuse-of-lysol-disinfectant-spray-plus-safer-alternatives/
I thought it would be good to provide you with safer alternatives for spring cleaners,
We all know the tried and true ones, vinegar and water or rubbing alcohol and water, but those do have a rather strong smell and some people don't use them because of that. I found another alternative that has a better smell and is just as effective.
VODKA!!!! So, yes, maybe you can have a screwdriver or bloody mary while you clean this spring, but the point remember, moderation is the key here. LOL
So, here is what you need. Grab some lemons, 3-4 and peel them, stuff the lemon peels in a Mason type jar and then fill it with VODKA. Seal it up and leave it alone for 1-2 weeks. When done, remove the lemon peels and toss them in garbage disposal, grind away and look at that, just disinfected the garbage disposal. Now, in a spray bottle, fill it half way full with your lemon infused VODKA and fill the rest with water. Put the sprayer on and you are good to do with your new healthier lemon scented cleaner. That lemon infused VODKA might taste pretty good with some cranberry juice and a splash of sprite too. LOL
The goal here is to find healthier alternative to our everyday items if possible. And saving money can't hurt either.
Have a great spring, enjoy the sun and warmth too.