
I am going to tell you a story. Most of us go through life and live it day to day. Some people have found their purpose or what they are meant to do and many haven't yet found that. I spent 37 years of my life without knowing my real purpose.
I discovered my real purpose by accident, as I am sure many people have. It was back in 2007, it was Tuesday May 15th. A young man came into my office, sat in the waiting room for a few minutes until I finished with a practice member. I didn't recognize the young man so I grabbed some paperwork and went to introduce myself. He said his name was Justin and shook my hand with a strong, firm grip. I tried to hand him the paperwork and he said he wasn't here to be treated, he was just here to thank me....
We sat there in the waiting room while he told me an incredible story of how just a year ago this young man was on the verge of suicide. He went on to explain that he had gotten a free pizza dinner ticket to hear me talk about chiropractic. He was never a practice member, he never was adjusted by me or any other chiropractor, but he listened to the story I told and about how stress (physical, chemical and emotional) destroys our health. He LISTENED...
He talked about how he took what I said and applied it to his life, reducing all the stresses he could in every aspect of his life and that lead him to sitting here today in my office telling me his story. His future is his to control, he is eager to live life and enjoy every second of it.
I listen, watched as his eyes teared up at times, how his body just seemed to thrive with energy and life, how passionate his was speaking about his personal conquests and his plans for the future.
I had other practice members starting to show up, so I congratulated him, hugged him and have never heard from him again, but I know he is doing just fine.
I finished my day checking spines with more energy, confidence and love for each practice member. On my 30 minute drive home, this event finally hit me, it was an emotional revelation (and I am not good with emotions), so my mind was racing in all directions.
So, lets break this down, for the past 10years I have been adjusting the spine to help improve function in the body, so the body can heal itself. I had many "miracles" happen in that time, I thought that was my purpose, to help people with chiropractic. This young man, had never been under my care, he had only heard me talk about how the body works and heals.
I don't usually use the word Doctor in my office, I use Chiropractor because it just feels better for me, but the work doctor literally means "Teacher", and that seems to fit my purpose much better. Everyday in my office I freely share the knowledge I have acquired though years in school and a a couple decades of seeing 1000's of practice members. I use my gift of humor a lot too, smiles are always free. Since that day in May of 2007, I have had a different purpose, I try to see where each and every person is and help them in any way I can to move in positive directions.
I have had many practice members go through sickness, divorce, life changing events and even epic disasters. They know I am there for them if I can be and will help them no matter what. My purpose is to help everyone when I can, and when I can't get them someone who can help them. That is why I am here on this Earth.