Fall into Health

Its October 1st today. Brrrrrrrrrrrr..... At least that's where it is here in MN today. Its currently 45 degrees and my body isn't ready for the cold yet. Fall is a great time for someone to take account of their health and set some targets for the winter months. Here in the north country, its not easy to take a run outside, go for a walk or be active when its 0 degrees with some windchill added. I said its not easy, but its doable with creative thinking and a target to hit.
So, what kinds of targets could we aim for during a long cold winter here in MN? Well, maybe plan a 5k race or 10k for march? Maybe set a weight loss target to hit by february? Maybe you have a pushup target, planking target, hell, maybe you set a target to run a marathon in the spring.
So, set a target and then find creative ways to train for it. There are lots of outside fun things to do in the winter, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, skating, etc. But again, when it hits below zero temps, those might be hard and dangerous, join a gym if you can afford too, buy a "track pass" for the high school indoor track, treadmills and bikes can also be purchased. If you don't want to spend money, or don't have money to spend, you can still create great workouts at home that will help you hit your targets. Home gyms can be created very inexpensively with bands, water jugs (weights), and your imagination. The idea is to set a target, and then get busy working towards it.
The winter months here keep many people wrapped up in a blanket on their couch in front of the TV/computer and that my friends won't help you become more than you are today. With a target in mind, you might just motivate yourself off the couch and into action.