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What Comes Around......

This picture I found this morning was rather amusing, but after a bit of thought, I found it more scary. Karma is one thing, "What comes around, Goes around." Now not sure how many of us are of the Buddhist belief, but Karma is defined (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

Read that last sentence again, the sum of a person's actions in this existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. Not to disrespect or take anything away from that definition, I want to USE it in present day life.

So, after I laughed a bit at the pic, I started thinking about things (I tend to do that a lot, lol). This definition of Karma fits my ultimate mission to help people, just for me I want to help them while they are alive in this existence.

I am sure I lost some people already so let me quickly spell out my thinking on this. "The Sum of a Person's Actions in this Existence, viewed as Deciding their Fate...." For my purpose, it ends there (because I can only help in this existence), Let's put this in simple terms and apply it to modern life. What we do now affects how we live later. (liberal take on it I know, but true non the same).

So, how can we break this down even more? We can say what we eat now affects how we live later. If we don't exercise now it affects how we live later. How we think now affects how we live later. On and on and on they go.......

So my whole point on this is if we don't take care of ourselves now, how will we be later? It is so much easier to learn health living habits now, than when its too late to. I read somewhere that Marriage is Hard, Divorce is Hard, you have to choose your hard. This applies to everything we do, nothing is easy and everything has consequences some are good, some are bad. So choose your hard now and life should be much better later.



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